Fragility is the key interest of the boxer -
Why do we break?

Losing the simple mask of consumer/consumed,
What remembrance other than violence
Do we seek?
Violence is the brittle witchcraft of the ages...
The most effective agent to cure the things that we don't want to cope with.

I saw a child tonight tear the head of a doll. She laughed.

All I could think of was why a doll-maker would enable a two-year old to remove the head so easily...

And so I thought a little bit Christian for a while... and asked...

God, why did you design death?

And then I got bored, and figured that god wasn't going to answer. That I'd have to read. That the entire game was rigged to those that read.

I'm not sure whether I've meant this to be funny or not. I'm not...


Does this pause... I mean (...) mean pause? This means time? Or is time just - you know space between spaces.... . does time stop when spaces kinda maxicate? Is, er, maxicate a word... mayevbe i should check my messages...